If you are just entering the exciting world of cannabis, then you may not have the foggiest clue where to start. After all, the reality here is that there are hundreds upon hundreds of cannabis strains in existence, if not thousands. With so many different cannabis strains out there, choosing the right ones for you can be really difficult, and today we’re here to narrow it down to the top 10 cannabis strains in Canada.
That being said, there are definitely more and less popular strains of marijuana, and today we’re talking particularly about Canada’s. For those who don’t know, cannabis enjoys a very relaxed legal status in Canada, and this means that there are a multitude of strains available for purchase and consumption. Today, we’ll take a closer look at the top ten cannabis strains in Canada and share what makes them fan favourites. Keep in mind that we’ll be focusing on THC strains, as this is the main psychoactive substance that produces that “high” feeling.
To help you make your decision, we will not only list what the top ten cannabis strains in Canada are, but also describe them in detail and talk about what makes them so popular. We’ll take a closer look at their genetics, potency, appearance, flavour and aroma, and the overall effects that you can expect from them. Let’s get to it and take a look at the top 10 best cannabis strains found in Canada.
Is Cannabis Legal in Canada?
For anybody who might be worried about purchasing cannabis in Canada, there is no need. The Government of Canada officially legalised cannabis for both medical and recreational use in 2018.
According to federal legislation, anyone of age can now possess up to 30 grams of cannabis that is legally produced, with adults also being allowed to grow up to four marijuana plants per household. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about any legal repercussions, as long as you don’t exceed quantity limits.
The Top 10 Cannabis Strains in Canada
Now that we’ve confirmed that cannabis is indeed legal in Canada, let’s take a closer look at the 10 best cannabis strains found in the country.
1. Black Cherry Punch

If you’re looking for a sweet and delicious strain that will help relax you after a long and hard day, Black Cherry Punch is always worth checking out.
Black Cherry Punch is a hybrid cannabis strain, one made by crossing Black Cherry Pie with Purple Punch. Black Cherry Pie is a very colourful and bright strain with a fruity taste, a hybrid with around 20% THC. We then have Purple Punch, a heavily indica-dominant strain that is very sedating and sweet, with roughly 18% THC. The result is Black Cherry Punch, an indica-dominant hybrid. You can expect it to have all of the classic effects of various indica strains.
Potency – THC Content
In terms of overall potency, Black Cherry Punch is fairly moderate, coming in at anywhere between 19% and 21% THC. This makes it moderately potent and ideal for most people. Beginners should exercise caution, as it is strong enough to produce a noticeable effect with just a few puffs, therefore also making it potent enough for seasoned cannabis connoisseurs.
As for the appearance, Black Cherry Punch usually features fairly thin and elongated buds that are light and airy in nature. They usually have a lot of light green highlights, combined with some darker purple and orange accents, along with a relatively healthy layer of trichomes along the exterior. Although it may look like a fairly unassuming strain, it packs quite the punch.
Flavour and Aroma
As you can probably tell by the name of it, this strain has a very sweet flavour profile. The main flavour you’ll taste here is sweet cherry, combined with general fruitiness, as well as floral undertones.
This is a relatively classic indica-dominant strain, so you can expect it to produce a moderate to strong body high, characterised by heaviness, sedation, and tingling of the limbs, combined with a light and mildly euphoric cerebral high. Although it might not immediately put you to sleep, it is the type of strain that is best reserved for the end of the day. Many people use it in an attempt to treat chronic pain, stress, depression, and insomnia.
2. Sour Diesel

If you’re looking for a nice sativa-dominant strain that is ideal for daytime use, features moderate potency, and has a very bright flavour as well, then Sour Diesel is a great strain to consider. This strain is so popular in Canada that you should be able to find it in virtually every government-sanctioned dispensary.
Sour diesel is a sativa cannabis strain, one made by crossing two other popular cannabis varieties, Chemdawg and Super Skunk. First, we have Chemdawg, a hybrid strain that’s been in existence for well over 30 years at this point.
It’s not overly strong, as it contains just 18% THC, but it is well known for being effective at relieving pain, anxiety, and stress. This strain is known for having a very strong diesel-like aroma.
We then have Super Skunk, an indica-dominant cannabis strain that features a relatively low THC level of just 16%. This strain has a very skunky aroma, and is well known for being able to relieve symptoms associated with pain and stress. The result is Sour Diesel, a light to moderately potent sativa-dominant strain.
Potency – THC Content
Sour Diesel is not the strongest of cannabis strains around, as it usually comes in at anywhere between 17% and 20% THC. This means that it’s more than light enough for beginners to start with, especially if you just take a few puffs. It may not be the strongest strain in the world, but its fairly potent cerebral effects still get seasoned cannabis experts going.
This is one of the brightest and most colourful types of cannabis you’ll find in Canada right now. It features a myriad of different greens from light to dark, as well as both orange and red pistils, and a super thick layer of white crystals along the outside.
Flavour and Aroma
As you might be able to tell by the name of it, as well as the parent strains, Sour Diesel features an extremely potent aroma and flavour of diesel or jet fuel. Furthermore, it’s just very pungent in general, with some people saying that it has a flavour of chemicals. Although some people may not enjoy the flavour, it’s the effects that people are really after.
You can expect Sour Diesel to produce a very strong head or cerebral high, which is of course because it is a sativa strain. It will hit your head, and quite quickly at that. You should feel euphoric, happy, giggly, creative, and uplifted.
This is a great daytime strain, as it generally won’t make you feel sedated, although it might produce a very light body high. It’s a great strain if you need something that will uplift you. Many people also use it in an attempt to help treat symptoms associated with pain, stress, and depression.
3. OG Kush

OG Kush is a strain that was first created in Florida in the early 1990s, and then quickly spread its way into Canada. At this time, OG kush is by far one of the most popular strains you’ll find in the country, and for good reason.
Supposedly, OG Kush is a cross between Chemdawg, Lemon Thai and Hindu Kush. Chemdawg is a hybrid cannabis strain that is known for its strong diesel-like aroma and pungent flavour, combined with a moderate THC level of roughly 18%.
Lemon Thai is a fairly potent sativa strain, one with well over 22% THC, and as the name implies, a strong flavour of lemon and citrus.
Finally, we have Hindu Kush, a pure indica strain that comes from the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan. It has a very earthy and sweet aroma, combined with a moderate THC level of roughly 19%. The result here, the cross between the three, is OG Kush, an indica-dominant hybrid.
Potency – THC Content
OG Kush features a moderate potency level, usually ranging anywhere between 17% and 21%. It is therefore ideal for most cannabis connoisseurs, although beginners should beware. This strain is known for producing strong cerebral and body effects, so a few puffs will likely be enough to get you where you’re going.
OG Kush May not look like anything overly special, as it features a fairly light green complexion combined with a sparse assortment of orange pistils. If you look closely, you’ll also see a bit of white trichomes along the outside of the somewhat rounded yet elongated buds.
Flavour and Aroma
What you can expect here is a combination of diesel, fuel, pine, and lemon. Some people say that it has a flavour or aroma reminiscent of a household cleaner, although most people say that the combination of lemon and pine is quite enjoyable.
Seeing as this is an indica-dominant hybrid, you can expect OG Kush to produce both a fairly strong body high and cerebral high. It’s a somewhat sedating strain that is ideal for afternoon and nighttime use, as it will make your body and head feel fairly heavy.
However, it should also provide you with a certain degree of mental euphoria and creativity. It’s a great option if you want to try to treat symptoms associated with pain, depression, and anxiety.
4. Mendo Breath

If you are looking for a very sweet and vanilla-like cannabis strain that features very potent indica effects, then Mendo Breath is always worth considering.
Mendo Breath is a nearly pure indica strain that is made by crossing two other popular cannabis varieties, OGKB with Mendo Montage. OGKB is an indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain, a descendant of Girl Scout Cookies, one with a whopping THC level of roughly 25%.
It has a very herbaceous and earthy aroma, combined with a hint of vanilla. We then have Mendo Montage, another indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain that is known for having high THC levels, combined with candy and grape-like flavours. The result is Mendo Breath, a potent indica.
Potency – THC Content
Depending on which parent strain most of the genetics come from, this indica can be quite punchy, anywhere between 19% and 23% THC. On the higher end of the spectrum, it is quite potent, and therefore caution is recommended for beginners. Although seasoned cannabis experts should have no problem handling the relatively high THC levels, beginners should start with just a couple of puffs.
This is one of the more unique-looking strains out there, as many of the buds take very irregular shapes that aren’t exactly rounded, elongated, or even spade-shaped.
These are some of the more irregular buds out there, and in terms of colour, often look quite muted. The buds may be very light green or even white in appearance, combined with an extremely thick layer of white crystals and orange pistils.
Flavour and Aroma
Many people enjoy Mendo Breath due to its very sweet flavour and aroma. Right on the first inhale, you’ll get notes of sweet vanilla, along with a strong hint of caramel on the exhale.
Seeing as this is a very strong indica strain, it’s definitely not something that you want to consume in the middle of the day. This is an end-of-day or nighttime kind of strain, one that will make you feel very heavy, sedated, hungry, and will most likely put you to sleep within a very short period of time.
You can expect this pure indica strain to have strong body-centric effects, combined with a bit of mental euphoria and relaxation. If you are in pain or are having trouble sleeping, then it’s certainly a good strain worth considering.
5. Sour OG

Yes, Sour OG is a descendant of two of the other strains that we’ve already reviewed here today, and in fact, it’s at this time one of the most popular ones found in Canada. A part of this has to do with its incredible potency.
Sour OG may also be referred to as Sour OG Kush, and yes, this hybrid is indeed a combination of Sour Diesel and OG Kush, both of which we’ve already covered here today. Needless to say, the result is a fairly evenly balanced hybrid strain with high THC levels and extremely pronounced flavours.
Potency – THC Content
Sour OG Kush is one of the stronger cannabis strains that is currently very popular in Canada, as it comes in at anywhere between 21% and 24% THC. For the record, anything over 23% THC is generally considered to be quite strong, and therefore great caution is recommended.
Although beginners will be just fine after taking just a puff or two, make sure that you don’t take too much more if it’s your first time consuming cannabis, because this strain is THC-heavy.
Sour OG has a very electric appearance, as it features a myriad of green shades, ranging from very light green, almost white, all the way to dark green, almost black.
It also features a lot of orange and amber pistils, combined with an insanely thick layer of white trichomes along the exterior.
It’s definitely one of the brighter and more colourful-looking buds out there, not to mention that it usually tends to be fairly dense and compact.
Flavour and Aroma
Sour OG contains a lot of elements of both of its parents, mainly fuel, diesel, lemon, and pine. It also has a bit of a sweet, earthy, and Kushy undertone. There are some strains that may be fruitier than others, depending on the exact lineage.
Seeing as this is a fairly evenly balanced hybrid, you can expect the effects from both ends of the spectrum. First, it starts with a cerebral and energetic head high that makes you feel uplifted, creative, and giggly.
However, this then fairly quickly gives way to a relaxing and sedative body high that is ideal for a night of relaxation. Therefore, we’d recommend consuming this strain in the late afternoon. It’s also known as being a fairly good painkiller.
6. Blue Dream

If you’re looking for a good daytime strain that will stimulate your mind without putting you to sleep, then Blue Dream is another fan-favourite worth looking into.
Many people enjoy the sativa-dominant nature of this particular strain, because it means that it’s generally good for daytime use.
This is a cross between two other super popular strains, Haze and Blueberry. Blueberry is a relatively weak indica-dominant strain with just 17% THC, one that is known for having very relaxing effects without being far too potent.
We then have Haze, which is a sativa-dominant strain that features very cerebral-centric and creative effects, along with a low to moderate THC level of roughly 18%. The result is a somewhat mild yet tasty sativa-dominant strain, Blue Dream.
Potency – THC Content
What many people love about the Blue Dream strain is that it is not overly potent. It contains between 16% and 19% THC, therefore making it one of the least potent options on our list today.
However, this is exactly what so many people like about it, especially beginners. It’s strong enough to produce a noticeable high, but not so potent that it will result in you feeling paranoid or being unable to function.
This strain has quite the interesting appearance, as it is generally darker than it is light, characterised by deep green with light amber accents and a healthy layer of crystally white trichomes along the exterior.
Flavour and Aroma
What many people also appreciate about the Blue Dream strain is that it tends to be very sweet and fruity in nature, with most people saying that it tastes like sweet berries.
This is a sativa-dominant strain, so you can expect the effects to be cerebral in nature for the most part.
It should make you feel mentally stimulated, creative, and quite giggly too, although there is a certain element of indica here as well, which means that you will eventually experience some nice full-body relaxation.
That said, there isn’t enough indica or THC to really put you to sleep, therefore making it ideal for daytime use.
7. Truffle Butter

When it comes to strains of cannabis that are popular in Canada, Truffle Butter is currently all the rage. This indica-dominant hybrid strain has the potential to contain nearly 30% THC, therefore making it a fan favourite across the country among seasoned veterans.
Truffle Butter is an indica-dominant cross between Chocolate Kush and Gelato. Chocolate Kush is a super sweet and tasty indica strain that features a relatively low THC level of just 17%. We then have Gelato, an evenly balanced hybrid strain with an equally low or moderate THC level of just 17%, combined with some really interesting flavours of sweet ice cream or Gelato.
Potency – THC Content
What’s really surprising is that although Truffle Butter is a result of two parent strains that aren’t overly strong, the strain itself is well known for having high THC levels. Although the average THC level is somewhere between 20% and 23%, there have been specimens recorded with nearly 30% THC. Therefore, this is a strain best reserved for the most experienced of cannabis consumers, although beginners can try it with a bit of caution.
Truffle Butter certainly has quite the unique appearance, as it features elongated and irregularly shaped buds. It is characterised by its very light green appearance, almost white in some cases, although this may also be a result of the thick layer of white trichomes along the exterior, which is where all of that THC is contained. It also features a lot of orange pistils.
Flavour and Aroma
In terms of the flavours and aromas, this is by far one of the most complex flavour profiles around. It features hints of earthiness, fruitiness, sweetness, berries, nuts, and coffee.
This is an indica-dominant strain and it has the potential to contain a very high level of THC. Therefore, you can expect it to have a heavily sedating effect characterised by a very strong body high.
This is the kind of strain that will make you feel like you’re sinking into the couch and falling into dreamland, but not before you go to raid your refrigerator for all the snacks you have in your possession. It’s a great strain if you want to try and treat chronic pain, insomnia, and depression.
8. Pink Kush

If you go to any dispensary in Canada, no matter who the producer is, you’ll always find some variation of Pink Kush. This is by far one of the most popular strains in the whole country at this time.
What is interesting to note is that although this is currently one of the most popular cannabis strains in Canada, its genetics are actually very mysterious. Most people assume that OG Kush is a direct relative or parent of this strain, but nobody really knows at this time. It could just be this mysterious lineage that makes it so tantalising.
Potency – THC Content
Pink Kush features a moderate THC level of 19%. With such a moderate THC level, this is a strain ideal for anybody who would like to try something relatively sweet, fruity, and candy-like. It’s more than potent enough to get you where you’re going with just a few hits, but not so potent that you forget where you were going in the first place.
In terms of the overall appearance, this is by far one of the brightest and most colourful buds on the list. It features a plethora of green shades, everything from the lightest to the darkest of greens, combined with a variety of purple and bluish sugar hairs, orange pistols, and white trichomes. It’s almost like a piece of art.
Flavour and Aroma
If you’re looking for something super tasty, then Pink Kush is always a great option to consider, as it features hints of sweet candy, vanilla, and general sweetness. It’s certainly one of the more enjoyable strains as far as flavour is concerned.
This is an indica-dominant strain, so you can expect the effects to be fairly sedating in nature. This is often considered to be a good nighttime strain of cannabis, as it should make you feel quite heavy, sedated, and like your limbs are buzzing.
It will also make you feel euphoric and mentally relaxed, although the focus here is decidedly on the body, not the head. It’s a great strain to check out if you’re getting near the end of your day.
9. Platinum Grapes

Platinum Grapes is a strain that is relatively exclusive to Canada, and it’s something that you probably won’t be able to find anywhere else in the world. This rarity, combined with its insanely high THC level, is exactly why it’s so popular.
Platinum Grapes is an extremely potent indica-dominant hybrid, one that is made by crossing two other popular strains, OGKB and Platinum Kush. Platinum Kush is quite a potent indica strain that can easily contain over 20% THC, and it features a hash-like and fruity aroma.
OGKB is an extremely potent hybrid strain that can easily contain over 25% THC, and it features an earthy, nutty, and herbaceous flavour. The result is a potentially highly potent indica-dominant hybrid, Platinum Grapes.
Potency – THC Content
What really stands out about this particular strain is that it can easily contain up to 29% THC. On average, expect it to contain anywhere between 24% and 29% THC.
This officially makes it by far one of the most potent strains on the list today, and indeed, one of the most potent strains in Canada.
Although beginners may want to try it, extreme caution is recommended. It only takes a couple of puffs to get you to the moon and back.
Platinum Grapes features some of the most beautiful looking buds around, especially if you like the colour purple. These buds are almost more purple than they are green, and whatever is left over is taken up by an extremely thick layer of white trichomes that are chock full of THC.
Flavour and Aroma
Platinum Grapes, as you can probably tell, has a grape-dominant flavour. In fact, grapes are one of the only things that most people can smell or taste. That said, some people also note that there are hints of cream and fuel.
If you’re looking for a cannabis strain that will knock you out, then this is it. The indica-dominant nature combined with the extremely high THC level results in a strain that feels extremely sedating in nature.
It will make your limbs buzz, it will make you feel tired, and make you feel like you’re sinking into the couch, but not before you have a huge snack. It should also be mentally relaxing. Many people use this strain in an attempt to treat chronic pain, insomnia, and a lack of appetite.
10. Pineapple Express

Last but not least, we have Pineapple Express, which is not only the name of a hit movie, but also one of the most popular cannabis strains in Canada.
Here we have a sativa-dominant strain with moderate to high THC levels. It’s a cross between two other well-known strains, Trainwreck and Hawaiian.
Trainwreck is a hybrid strain that is sativa-dominant, one known for its sweet lemon and spicy pine flavours, combined with a low to moderate THC level of 17%.
Hawaiian is a sativa cannabis strain known for its creative and uplifting effects, its tropical flavours, and its very high THC level of 24% and up.
Potency – THC Content
Pineapple Express generally features a moderate to high potency level, usually ranging anywhere between 19% and 23%. It should therefore be ideal for most cannabis consumers, whether beginners or experts.
Pineapple Express has a fairly unassuming appearance. It features fairly round and compact buds, which are usually a moderate green colour combined with a healthy helping of amber or orange pistils and some white trichomes.
Flavour and Aroma
As you can probably tell by the name of it, this strain has a very tropical and fruity flavour, characterised by pineapple, citrus, and earthy pine.
Seeing as this is a sativa-dominant strain, you can expect it to hit your head more than anything else. It should produce a strong cerebral high characterised by feeling giggly, talkative, uplifted, creative, and energetic. This is a great daytime or early-day strain. Many people choose to use Pineapple Express in an attempt to treat symptoms associated with fatigue, pain, and depression.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cannabis Strain
Before we call it a day, keep in mind that when choosing the best cannabis strain for you, there are a variety of factors that you should keep in mind.
The most important factors to consider here are whether you want an indica, a sativa, or a hybrid, as well as what the potency or THC level is like, what the flavour and aroma are, and what the main effects are. Check out this in-depth guide on choosing the best cannabis strain for you.
Whether we are talking about OG Kush, Sour Diesel, Mendo Breath, or anything in between, Canada is home to some of the very best cannabis strains worldwide. If you ever get the chance to visit the Great White North, as it is often referred to, we certainly recommend checking out any of the fantastic strains covered here today. The Canadians absolutely love them, and so will you!
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