Cannabis is undoubtedly the most extensively grown, traded, and misused illegal drug around the world. Approximately 147 million individuals, making up 2.5% of the global population, use cannabis (annual prevalence), while only 0.2% use cocaine and 0.2% use opiates.
In the current decade, the misuse of cannabis has increased faster than that of cocaine and opiates. Since the 1960s, the fastest increase in cannabis misuse has occurred in developed nations such as North America, Western Europe, and Australia.
Marijuana is a psychoactive substance obtained from the flower of the Cannabis sativa plant. Numerous individuals share a common query: is marijuana addictive? The response is yes. Although not all marijuana users will develop an addiction, it is fairly common, and certain aspects related to overall health and usage can heighten your risk. Marijuana can pose significant health hazards, encompassing adverse impacts on mental functioning, a higher likelihood of psychosis, and a danger of dependence and addiction.
Despite numerous countries having permitted marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, political leaders around the world tend to adopt a conservative viewpoint on cannabis, resulting in its continued illegality in most countries recognized by the UN.
In today’s article, we’ll address the signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction and will also discuss the treatment options for individuals going through marijuana addiction and withdrawal.
What is Marijuana?
Marijuana is a psychoactive substance obtained from the flower of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is a greenish-grey blend of dried flowers known by various other names such as cannabis, pot, weed, grass, Mary Jane, herb, bud, and ganja.
People consume marijuana by utilising pipes or bongs, or in hand-rolled joints or blunts – a cigar that has had its tobacco removed and replaced with a blend of marijuana and tobacco. The smoke from marijuana has a strong and unique sweet-and-sour scent. Users also incorporate the dried blend of leaves, flowers, stems, or seeds to create tea or foods like gummies, brownies, and cookies known as edibles.
Marijuana concentrates, derived from the tiny, mushroom-like protrusions that encase the marijuana flower, can contain extremely elevated concentrations of substances known as cannabinoids. Among the most abundant is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, the component in marijuana responsible for its psychoactive effects. Marijuana products high in THC can be inhaled with vape pens or via a method called dabbing.
Effects of Marijuana Use
When marijuana is inhaled, THC quickly enters the bloodstream from the lungs, transporting the compound to the brain and various organs in the body. THC is absorbed at a slower rate when consumed via food or beverages.
Nevertheless, marijuana targets the cannabinoid receptors in brain cells specifically. These receptors, typically triggered by THC-like substances made naturally by the body, are components of the neural communication network known as the endocannabinoid system which is essential for normal brain growth and operation.
Psychological Effects
The greatest concentration of cannabinoid receptors exists in areas of the brain that affect pleasure, memory, cognition, focus, sensory and time awareness, as well as coordinated movement. Marijuana excessively stimulates the endocannabinoid system (ECS), leading to the “high” and various effects that users feel, including:
- Changed perceptions and emotions
- Coordination issues
- Anxiety
- Challenges with cognition and resolving issues
- Interrupted learning and challenges in recalling memories
- Changes in appetite
Other Effects
Studies show that using marijuana can lead to or worsen issues in everyday life. Frequent users often indicate:
- Reduced life satisfaction
- Worsening physical health
- Increased relationship issues
- Diminished academic or career achievements linked to an increased chance of leaving school
Moreover, numerous workplace research studies link marijuana consumption to higher rates of absenteeism, lateness, accidents, workers’ compensation claims, and employee turnover.
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Marijuana has the potential to be addictive. While not everyone who consumes marijuana becomes dependent on it, it is possible to develop an addiction to marijuana. A person who frequently consumes marijuana might develop an addiction, clinically known as cannabis use disorder, leading to uncontrollable use, i.e., addiction that affects daily functioning, like neglecting responsibilities at home or in the workplace, physical dependence, and health issues.

Research has projected that 22% to 30% of individuals who utilise cannabis are affected by cannabis use disorder in the United States. The most significant predictor of cannabis use disorder is the frequency of its use. However, other elements, such as a family history of substance use and the duration of cannabis use, can also contribute. In 2020, around 14.2 million individuals aged 12 and up fulfilled the diagnostic requirements for a cannabis use disorder in the previous year.
Estimates suggest that 1 in 10 adults who consume marijuana will experience a cannabis use disorder, with an increased risk for those who start using marijuana before turning 18. In 2020, around 209 million individuals, representing 4.9% of the worldwide population aged 15–64, consumed cannabis at least once in the past year. Of these, an estimated 23.8 million individuals experienced cannabis use disorders (CUDs).
What Makes Marijuana Addictive?
Long-term cannabis consumption is linked to physiological alterations in the brain that might play a role in the ongoing use of marijuana. The primary psychoactive component, THC, seems to drive marijuana’s reinforcing characteristics and is a major factor in marijuana addiction.
Findings from empirical research indicate that THC activates neurones within the brain’s reward system to release the neurotransmitter (a signalling chemical) dopamine, at levels surpassing those usually seen in reaction to natural rewarding stimuli. Changes in dopamine signalling or dopamine levels are typically linked to other addictive substances.
Factors Influencing Marijuana Addiction
Researchers continue to explore the reasons behind why certain individuals develop marijuana addiction while others do not. Several factors could lead an individual to develop a dependency on marijuana. Nevertheless, this does not imply that encountering one or more of these risk factors will lead to a marijuana addiction.
Currently, cannabis generally has higher THC levels than it did previously. The U.S. NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) states that the increased potency of modern marijuana, particularly concerning its THC concentration, could be a contributing factor to the growing number of individuals who experience the problem of addiction.
For example, marijuana seized by law enforcement today in the United States has an average THC content of 15%, whereas those confiscated in the 1990s had under 4%.
Researchers have discovered a connection between the age at which you start using marijuana and the chances of developing a dependence on it.
A study revealed that individuals who began using marijuana between the ages of 14 and 15 were more likely to develop dependence. Conversely, for individuals who began using cannabis after the age of 15, the likelihood of developing dependence significantly diminished.
A different study revealed that individuals who start using marijuana before turning 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a cannabis use disorder in the future.
Using marijuana daily or weekly has been shown to raise the likelihood of an individual becoming dependent on the substance later on. Nevertheless, the way someone interacts with marijuana is also a significant factor. For example, a study revealed that solitary use (using the drug alone) was a significant indicator that dependence could develop later on.
Family dynamics have been shown to influence certain instances of cannabis dependency. For example, a study revealed that if your biological parents misuse alcohol or other substances, you might have a higher probability of misusing alcohol or other substances, such as marijuana.
A study from 2020 revealed that individuals possess ‘genetic liability’ to cannabis use disorder, indicating they inherit certain genes that heighten their risk. Nonetheless, specialists concur that there are often additional contributing factors, including surroundings, availability of marijuana, socioeconomic conditions, and others.
Mental Health
Several studies indicate that individuals frequently use marijuana to alleviate feelings of anxiety or depression and that this form of self-medication can frequently result in substance dependence. Additional mental health factors have also been observed in individuals with cannabis dependence.
This encompasses individuals dealing with panic disorder, exhibiting symptoms of ADHD, social anxiety disorder, and low self-worth. Individuals experiencing low sleep quality might also turn to cannabis for symptom relief.
Signs of Marijuana Abuse and Addiction
Cannabis use disorder and addiction can vary from mild (two or three symptoms of addiction) to moderate (four or five symptoms of addiction) to severe (six or more addiction symptoms). Like other forms of drug addiction, there are both behavioural and physical indicators that can signify marijuana addiction.
Modifications in Behaviour:
- Distorted perception
- Reduced coordination
- Challenges in reasoning and problem-solving
- Continuous issues with learning and memory
Additional Symptoms of Marijuana Abuse:
- Crimson, hazy, teary gaze
- Persistent, phlegm-laden cough
- Rapid heartbeat
- Starvation
- Dry mouth
- Nervousness, paranoia, or dread
- Memory issues
- Inadequate coordination
- Delayed response time
- Lack of control
Cannabis Use Disorder and the DSM
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) – a reference book by the American Psychiatric Association utilised by healthcare providers worldwide to identify substance use disorders and various psychiatric conditions – describes cannabis use disorder as a usage pattern that results in clinically notable impairment or distress.
This indicates that an individual has experienced two or more of the subsequent symptoms within a 12-month timeframe:
- Utilising cannabis in greater quantities or for a duration longer than initially planned
- Ongoing yearning or failed attempts to reduce or manage cannabis consumption
- Investing a considerable amount of time obtaining, utilising, or recuperating from the impact of cannabis
- Cannabis craving (a powerful longing or impulse to consume cannabis)
- Using cannabis despite it causing issues at work, school, or home
- Persisting on cannabis use even when facing social or relationship issues
- Abandoning significant hobbies, interactions with friends and family, or in the workplace to consume cannabis
- Utilizing cannabis in scenarios where there is a danger of harm
- Persistent usage even with the awareness that cannabis use has caused or aggravated ongoing physical or psychological issues
- Cannabis tolerance (the requirement for larger quantities of cannabis to attain the intended effect)
- Symptoms of withdrawal following the cessation of cannabis use
What is Marijuana Withdrawal?

Individuals who have used marijuana for a long time and then suddenly reduce their intake or quit altogether might face marijuana withdrawal. Prolonged drug abuse is linked to various symptoms of marijuana withdrawal, which usually emerge within a week after stopping use.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Among the most frequently experienced signs of cannabis withdrawal are:
- Frustration, rage, or hostility
- Apprehension or unease
- Trouble sleeping
- Reduced appetite or loss of weight
- Unease
- Low mood
- Stomach discomfort
- Trembling/shaking
- Excessive perspiration
- High temperature
- Chills
- Migraines
Help for Marijuana Addiction: Treatment and Counselling
There are therapies accessible that can assist individuals in overcoming marijuana addiction. These treatments mainly emphasise psychotherapy, although researchers are investigating medications that could potentially be beneficial in the future.
Treatment or rehab for marijuana dependence is similar to treatment programs and methods for addiction to alcohol and other substances. However, these therapies must be personalised, readily available, and tackle any concurrent issues, including additional mental health disorders like anxiety or depression.
Therapy and Counselling
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): Studies indicate that CBT may serve as an effective intervention for marijuana addiction. A therapist will collaborate with you to tackle any underlying mental health challenges, thoughts, or behaviours that play a role in your addiction. Together, you discover effective strategies for coping with these issues, how to consider negative thoughts rationally, and how to manage potential triggers.
Contingency Management: This approach is occasionally applied in substance abuse treatment centers. It aims to encourage positive actions (i.e., avoiding marijuana) by utilising incentives. For instance, a clinic could offer physical items as rewards or even provide cash to individuals who pass drug tests.
Motivational Enhancement Therapy: This emphasises an individual’s internal beliefs and attitudes. A therapist can assist you in formulating reasons for wanting to cease marijuana use, and together, you will develop a plan of action to quit.
Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient care signifies the environment where various treatment methods are provided, including behavioural therapies. Outpatient care includes frequent meetings with a behavioural health specialist, and participating in individual, group counselling, and therapy sessions, while returning home or to a sober living situation every day.
Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient care necessitates that the person resides at the facility during treatment and adheres to a structured treatment regimen that encompasses behavioural therapies, individual and group counselling, education, and additional components.
Pharmacological Treatment
At present, there are no drugs authorised for the treatment of cannabis use disorder. However, specialists are examining if any particular drugs could assist with cannabis use disorder.
Buspirone is one medication of interest; however, certain studies have indicated that it is not more effective than a placebo and, in certain instances, has been associated with poorer cannabis use outcomes.
Nevertheless, medications like antidepressants might be given to address simultaneous mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. You may check with your healthcare provider to determine if this is a suitable treatment choice.
Lifestyle Changes
Alter Your Social Surroundings: It may become harder to stop using marijuana if the people around you continue to use the substance. A study indicated that individuals recovering from cannabis use disorder considered it beneficial to engage with those who did not consume cannabis during their recovery process.
Concentrate On Your Motivations for Quitting: By recalling the reasons you wish to stop using marijuana, you may find yourself feeling more encouraged. Consider maintaining a list of motivations in your bedroom or on your refrigerator so you can view it daily.
Explore New Interests: When you stop using marijuana, you might find yourself with extra time, making it beneficial to discover a new hobby or pastime that you find enjoyable. This can assist in taking your mind off cravings and enhance your mood, particularly if it involves physical activity.
Aftercare Treatment
Aftercare treatment seeks to maintain support after an individual finishes conventional treatment. Aftercare programs may comprise various components and are tailored to address a person’s specific treatment objectives. Their main goal is to minimise the chance of recurrence. These include support groups, individual or group therapy, etc.
Consistent or excessive marijuana use may lead to the emergence of tolerance and addiction. An individual will require increasingly greater amounts of marijuana to experience the same effects. Adolescence, a stage when the brain is going through significant transformations, is a particularly vulnerable time for youth to experiment with marijuana’s effects.
Marijuana seems to be linked to issues like memory and attention deficits. Individuals attempting to stop may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, trouble sleeping, and hot flashes.
Treatment options for marijuana addiction are available, including behavioural therapies and counselling. Researchers are also investigating medications that can help to treat marijuana addiction.
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